0800 0432 911

Maximising Safety and Efficiencies with Winter Gritting Optimised Route Planning

OUTCO deliver essential winter services to ensure roads and car parks remain safe and usable.

To meet the growing demand for winter gritting services, OUTCO has improved service delivery by optimising route planning, balancing efficiency and cost-effectiveness while maintaining industry-leading service levels.

Benefits of winter gritting optimised route planning

  • More efficient use of time
  • Reduces costs
  • Improves safety levels
  • Lowers carbon emissions.

Using smart technology

By using smart technology, OUTCO combines data from traffic patterns, weather conditions, and the location and knowledge of client sites to plan and manage the most efficient route to minimise travel time and reduce unnecessary expenses. This leads to cost and time savings which are passed on to our clients.

Improved time management

OUTCO clients benefit from improved time management as a result of optimised route planning. An optimised route allows our winter operatives to complete their winter gritting tasks more efficiently, reducing downtime and ensuring that the roads and car parks are maintained to the highest standard. This translates to a better and more reliable winter maintenance service for our clients, ensuring their property is kept safe, compliant and open.

People’s safety is our priority

At OUTCO, we place the safety of people first, which is why it is important to avoid unnecessary travel during harsh and potentially dangerous winter conditions. Optimised route planning allows us to do this and can reduce the risks and minimise the likelihood of incidents.

Environmental advantages of route planning

In addition to the economic benefits, optimised route planning also has environmental advantages. By reducing fuel consumption, we lower our carbon emissions, which benefits the environment. According to the Department for Transport (DfT), the UK’s road transport sector is responsible for approximately 30% of the country’s total CO2 emissions. By using optimised route planning to reduce fuel consumption, we help to lower this figure, contributing to the UK’s wider efforts to tackle climate change.

We can see there are clear economic and environmental benefits of optimised route planning for winter maintenance services. Optimised route planning is a crucial tool that allows us to effectively deliver our winter gritting services.

By reducing travel time and fuel consumption, we can reduce costs and improve our environmental impact. With the growing demand for our winter services and the need to tackle climate change, it is clear that by investing in optimised route planning we better support our clients during the winter season.

Find out how our all-round team delivers tech-enabled smart winter maintenance and other services…


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