0800 0432 911

Learn more about the OUTCO Winter Training Academy and why it’s so important

At OUTCO, we’re passionate about staff training and place people at the heart of everything we do.

Ahead of every winter season, we ensure that all new winter gritting operators undergo comprehensive winter training and rigorous practical assessments via our OUTCO Training Academy.

OUTCO’s people benefit from the best winter training in the industry. This guarantees we provide the highest level of service possible to our clients.

Keeping people safe should be at the top of your priority list. We cannot stress how critical it is to meet your duty of care when it comes to keeping your sites safe and compliant.

[pullquote]Using untrained people to carry out hazardous work in the middle of the night during the middle of winter, exposes your company to unnecessary risk and is quite frankly reckless and irresponsible.[/pullquote]

Winter training academy

Training is delivered in-house and via our specialist trainers. In addition to task-specific training, our operators receive training on:

  • Best practice
  • Safe working (including fire safety)
  • Manual handling
  • Slips and trips
  • Lone working
  • Vehicle safety
  • Reporting near misses, incidents and accidents.

The OUTCO Academy training helps operatives improve techniques, promotes safe working practices, including risk assessments and method statements RAMS and also includes advanced skills.

OUTCO’s thorough winter training is a mix of classroom work, demonstrations and hands-on practical tests.

Winter training covers

  • Winter gritting preparation
  • The dos and don’ts of winter gritting
  • Working with the bucket and scoop
  • Use of the pedestrian spreader
  • Operating gritting vehicle and equipment.
OUTCO Winter Training Bucket and Scoop
Bucket and scoop manual gritting training
OUTCO Winter Training Manual Snow Clearance
Manual snow clearance training – ideal tool for clearing snow from footpaths
OUTCO Winter Training Pedestrian Spreader
Pedestrian spreader training – learning how to spread salt manually
OUTCO Winter Training Pedestrian Spreader
Pedestrian spreader training – how the pedestrian spreader operates
OUTCO Winter Training Vehicle Training
OUTCO winter operatives are issued with their own equipment for the year, and have intensive training on all the parts, how to operate it and how to look after it.

Keep your customers safe and book your winter maintenance services

Our advice couldn’t be simpler: don’t wait until it gets cold before booking your winter services.

To find out how we can work together, or to obtain a free winter gritting quote or site inspection, please contact us today.

Do you require a winter gritting or snow clearance quotation?

Contact OUTCO today by phone 0800 0432 911

Or complete our winter gritting quotation form by clicking the link below

Winter Gritting Quotation


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Call 0800 0432 911