0800 0432 911

Protect yourself by working with the right supplier

There are many benefits to working with one supplier. When a project arises where do you turn, with thousands of suppliers across the UK with different capabilities and specialisms who do you turn to?

Most businesses are tackling the issue of supply chain complexities and improving time efficiency, quality and health & safety implications by working with an approved supply chain.

OUTCO tackles the supply chain complexity by providing multiple services within a single contractor, the ability to maintain, improve or construct car parks, external environments and internal workspaces.

The main benefits of working with an approved supplier are

One Supplier: Vetted – Time efficiency

Many businesses who work with an approved supply chain have already vetted the supplier, reviewing specific criteria, this can provide peace of mind and greatly increase time efficiencies when making choices. Time can be saved by reducing that taken to research and decide upon the right local supplier, approaching multiple suppliers for a quotation, followed by reviewing and comparing pricing. Not only will an approved supply chain speed this process up but a contractor such as OUTCO, with multiple disciplines, ensures a more consistent and simple approach to maintenance.

Health & Safety / Accreditations

Many vetted businesses will have to have completed the relevant paperwork to be an approved supplier, this will include detailing their safety accreditations and provide examples of their operational RAMS (Risk Assessment and Method Statements). This element of the vetting procedure will ensure the client is satisfied with the supplier safety standards and they meet the requirement of not only the works but the level of standards expected by the client.

One Supplier: Approved safe procedures

The approval procedure can include a business submitting their RAMS, a process of identifying risks associated with their works, the method to which these risks are managed and ensuring the works are completed safely. RAMS are reviewed constantly as site environments and weather may change, affecting the process, the RAMS are read by all employees involved in the project and signed to state they have been read and understood by each individual.

Ensuring RAMS are provided for projects and that suitable documentation is created gives the client  peace of mind that they are working with the right supplier and that the works will be completed safely with sufficient emphasis on managing risks.

One Supplier: Insurance

Should anything occur, approved suppliers will have sufficient insurances in place at a suitable level of cover for their operations. Being able to demonstrate a basic level of insurance demonstrates that the supplier has had some thought as to the risk of running a business and has taken steps to protect everyone. This shows a basic level of professionalism and responsibility.

One Supplier: Quality

Another element of seeking supplier approval is often for the supplier to submit sufficient evidence of their competencies and previous experience, this may be case studies and previous testimonials. This is another factor that can provide peace of mind knowing a project will be completed by a competent supplier, delivered safely to a quality standard, case studies can show competence in the same sector or similar surroundings.


Through the approval procedure and the factors mentioned above that create an approved supplier list, clients know when selecting a business from an approved supplier list they will receive a consistent level of service and project delivery, they may have used the supplier previously or be able to see past works completed in other areas of the business.  The supplier will understand their sites and expectations, the paperwork expected for such projects and the process from enquiry through to completion. The client will know the quality they will receive and additional benefits of working with specific suppliers, this can include the ease of a single point of contact, simple communication methods, working with specific suppliers who utilise innovations such as greener materials, quieter battery-operated tools or the use of electric vehicles to commute, and technological benefits such as a simple client portal for updates.


Today with the enhancement in technology and the benefit of the internet more suppliers are utilising their websites to link to internal systems to creating interactive and informative client portals. Syncing to internal systems the portals provide a live update of project statuses and activity, hosting of project documentation such as RAMS and a simple procedure for communicating and requesting information or additional site visits.

These technological benefits once again improve time efficiencies for the client when requiring maintenance.

[pullquote]Selecting the right supplier can ensure time and cost efficiencies, a consistent quality level and safe systems of work backed by the right accreditations, insurances and technology.[/pullquote]




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