0800 0432 911

Here’s why winter gritting is worth its weight in salt

Keeping people safe should be at the top of your priority list during the winter months. As the UK’s leading specialist provider of winter gritting and snow clearing services, we cannot stress how critical it is to meet your duty of care when it comes to keeping your sites safe and compliant.

At OUTCO, we guarantee never to compromise on our winter gritting and snow clearing services, and keeping your sites, staff and customers safe is our number one priority.

Winter weather often has a significant impact on business, and brings with it many real risks:

  • Site accidents
  • Injuries to staff or visitors
  • Liability claims
  • Closure or limited access to premises
  • Reduced productivity
  • Loss of revenue

[pullquote]We never cut any corners, which is one reason why we achieve 99.9% customer satisfaction levels.[/pullquote]

Winter risk assessment

We will not only complete your winter risk assessment, but also offer full liability protection based on your risk assessment. We effectively take responsibility for your legal duty of care over the health and safety of employees and other visitors in respect of the risks of ice-related incidents during the winter months.

Fully trained winter operatives

OUTCO pride ourselves on having the most competent, professional and helpful workforce. OUTCO operates the only LANTRA accredited winter gritting and snow clearance training in the industry with all staff receiving pre-contract induction and ongoing training. Our fully trained staff ensure we keep your sites safe, compliant and operational, even during the harshest of winters.

Winter Gritting Salt

At OUTCO we mainly use white marine salt as our de-icing agent. Salt is generally 100% effective down to a temperature of -9 degrees Celsius, which is extremely cold and seldom experienced in the UK.

Keep your customers safe and book your winter services

Our advice couldn’t be simpler: don’t wait until it gets cold before booking your winter services.

To find out how we can work together, or to obtain a free winter gritting quote or site inspection, please contact us today.

Do you require a winter gritting or snow clearance quotation?

Contact OUTCO today by phone 0800 0432 911

Or complete our winter gritting quotation form by clicking the link below

Winter Gritting Quotation


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Call 0800 0432 911