0800 0432 911

Winter Gritting – Be prepared for further wintry conditions

Winter gritting has started at OUTCO. You may have had to scrape the car windscreen this morning due to the low temperatures experienced across the UK.

As further wintry conditions are forecast for the remainder of this week, including some areas of the UK seeing below freezing, and prior to reports of snowfall forecast towards the end of November, OUTCO urges you to ensure your winter gritting and snow clearance services are pre-booked in preparation.

Earlier this year OUTCO announce that we are holding the prices of our winter services for the 2021 season. Despite significant inflationary headwinds, including the price of gritting salt, our national scale and well-established supply chain relationships allow us to provide a premium, technology lead winter service at a market-leading price.

OUTCO offer our clients a winter risk assessment, evaluating specific hazards and potential dangers on your site is an additional tool for your health and safety toolbox, and demonstrates your compliance under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

Our winter gritting site survey and compliance assessment process both use industry best-practice risk assessments to identify potential health and safety hazards, assessing risk likelihood and the associated severity.


Our aim is to minimise risk, maintain your reputation and reduce all the hidden costs of managing this process yourself.


Our growth brings many benefits and our comprehensive range of services provides peace of mind

Price: competitive pricing through our strong supplier relationship

Value: streamline costs by bundling services together through a single service provider

Budgeting: choose between budget certainty with fixed cost pricing, or budget flexibility with a cost-per-visit option

Time: save time and cut down on unnecessary admin by using one trusted partner

Reliability: full visibility of our services with real-time tracking & reporting technology

Peace of mind: we offer full liability protection and take responsibility for your legal duty of care. All of our winter operations are self delivered with our own vehicles and equipment.

Do you require a winter gritting or snow clearance quotation?

Contact OUTCO today by phone 0800 0432 911

Or complete our winter gritting quotation form by clicking the link below

Winter Gritting Quotation


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Call 0800 0432 911